If I could spend the entire wedding off-season specializing in artsy baby photography sessions around Columbia, MO, I’d have it made! Eight month old baby Laila was such a joy to photograph, and OMG–that red hair! Her talented mama Elizabeth, owner of Greenhouse Theater Project, invited me over for coffee and a little mini photo shoot at home last week. Here are some favorite candid and natural photos of this beautiful ginger baby… I especially love the first photo of her in the jumper! Oh, and before the questions start rolling in, that amazing turmeric sweater Laila is wearing was made by local knitting legend, Amy Stambaugh of Wool Crush.

Want to schedule your own artsy baby photography session?
I’m always happy to take on family photo shoots! I have a lot of availability during the winter and spring months. Get in touch using the contact tab above to chat more about a documentary photo shoot at home or outdoors!